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A Christmas Gift to you from Dave

I just finished this song, and I believe over the holidays its message is extremely important. So amid all the chaos, remember there will come a day you’d do anything to relive just a minute of it.

Every moment you have is a gift, you didn’t earn it. You’re not promised tomorrow, so treasure today…


“Follow your dream” that’s what all the poets say, But my dreams were all for things that fade away

Dreaming is fine, till you wake up, To find you lost the things you had 

And realize they weren’t so bad

This is the lesson I’ve been taught – Live for the things that you have got 

So when you know the moment will soon be past, So it will last, tie a bow on it

And make it fast

And when a song in the air gives your heart a lift, Quick while you can, tie a bow on it

Before the notes can drift – Cause it’s a gift 

Ev’ry year round the table we see a face of someone we love whose presence we can’t replace 

Then one by one each face is gone, and alll the things you wished you’d said

Are now only regrets instead

This is the lesson I have learned – Some chances missed will not return

So while the smiles of family and friends are near, While they’re still here, tie a bow on them

And hold them dear

And if you’ve taken for granted what’s in your hand, Quick while you can, tie a bow on it…

For each seasons changes, nothing stays the same

The blessings you hold, though treasured like gold, will not remain

So now in this moment, don’t miss what you’ve got

You’ve got your chance now, but tomorrow may not

While there’s still time, for this moment will soon be past, So it will last, tie a bow on it

And make it fast

And when that song in the air gives your heart a lift, While you still can, tie a bow on it

Before the notes can drift

Round your every breath, tie a bow on it

Cause it’s a gift

Words & music by David Gipson, copyright (c) 2023

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