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From hanging out with lots of pastors, worship leaders, and stage actors, I’ve been blessed to have lots of friends who are performers… Yes, performers: each one of those groups are quite skilled performers. I know that may make some people bristle, because they consider performing to imply something is fake. But every person who…

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The Age of Opinion

You may not have noticed a huge shift began in news media back in the 90s. Instead of reporting the news, whole channels were created to tell you what they thought about the news. These channels, on all sides of the political spectrum, grew and have now overwhelmed any pretense of simply reporting facts. In…

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Caution Tape

There are some folks you meet at church who really should have traffic cones set up around them as a warning. Or at least the sign, “Speed bump ahead”. Or perhaps even “Slow Children at Play”. One of the “teachable moments” church provides us is learning to love unlovable people. Church is really the only…

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Why I Post

I thought I’d take a moment and explain why I post some things I do, especially on my personal Facebook page. You may not realize most of what I put there is quite intentional, with a purpose. I’m sure you’ve noticed I post a lot of humor, and I do that for a couple of…

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Careless Whispers

A few years back, I wrote a song about gossip called “BIG MOUTH”. To soften some of the tough truths in the lyrics, I set the song in the context of an old Science Fiction movie from the 50s. The Big Mouth destroying the church was a gigantic monster, stomping on steeples like Godzilla did…

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I love the rhythm of the week that finally winds down into a sleepy Saturday. With our two little girls, it’s the one day we get to sleep late. Since Sundays are usually full at church, we try to keep our Saturdays slow and easy. Saturdays can be deceptive, though. We trudge through the early…

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