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Have another piece of pie

Of our three children right now, Gracie is the least serious-minded. But she always demands to say the prayer at dinner each night. At first, it was the prayer she learned in her Christian preschool: “God is great, God is good…” Every night, she’d clasp her little hands together and say the entire prayer, while grinning…

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If you only knew…

I remember the first time someone called me “pastor” and it finally felt normal. Actually, I only thought they were saying “pastor”. I was in a Starbucks I frequent, and someone called out something like “faster”. It could have even been “disaster”, but I’ve been called that before. But after I turned around to look, I caught…

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Your pain

I am so sincerely sorry for your pain. But... Your pain is not the only pain in the world  Your pain does not make you right. It doesn’t justify your lashing out  Your pain does not necessarily make you noble or brave Your pain may indeed destroy you, if you let it Your pain is a curse...or…

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Bitter / Better

Once there was a man on our street who I knew was watching our house, every single day. And even worse, he was constantly leering at our children. Anywhere else this occurred, they'd call the cops on him. But in Florida, they elect him to the Neighborhood Association. Anytime my teenage kids parked their cars…

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