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Bully For You

My nephew plays for one of the best football teams in the state now. They are known for their often lopsided scores, which can be a rush for their fans. Nothing better than a blowout to make you feel like a winner. Since I’m a musician, I’ve never known a whole lot about sports. When…

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There is no more obvious indicator of spiritual decay or deadness than disdain for the joyful worship of others. None. I’ve seen it in church after church, and heard it from scores of worship leaders in multiple denominations. Every one of them has dealt with someone or a group of someones who bristle at…

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A Love Story

Most of us know worship from the church we grew up in, and I’m no exception. I remember the Organ prelude, the Call to Worship by the choir, the hymns, the Welcome (turn around and shake hands with people like you care). There was some sort of choir anthem and a solo we called the…

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Deconstructing Worship

Seriously, when was the last time you heard someone say something positive about their church’s worship music? I don’t blame them. There’s no surer way to get myself in a deep funk (and I don’t mean the musical kind) than to watch some church’s live stream on Sunday afternoon after my own worship leading is…

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Approaching Oz

The lady was in her 90s, seated by a window with a spectacular view of the golf course landscaping outside. She had been an artist, and her oil paintings decorated many of the walls around us. Her condo was not elaborate but tastefully decorated. I guess that’s what you’d expect from an artist. “I didn’t…

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The First Person You Meet in Heaven

A friend reposted a question on her Facebook page from John Tesh’s radio show. The puffy-haired spokesman, best known for his stint on Entertainment Tonight, asked: “When you get to heaven, who are you going to look for first?” The answers were probably what you’d expect.  There were about 100 “mommas” Lots of deceased spouses. …

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(don’t) BE CAREFUL

Be very careful. Not careful about taking risks. You never accomplish anything of value without a healthy risk involved. Instead, be careful about being too careful. That was pretty confusing, right? Let’s start again… You really need to take care about being careful. “Careful” could be exactly how you miss out on the best…

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The Power of a Choir

Have you noticed what they do on TV awards shows when they want to really sell a song? What do they do to put their big inspirational numbers over the top? They bring out a choir, usually in traditional robes, singing strong and loud behind the soloist. Yes, that’s what I said… a choir. You…

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Reading Your Mail

It’s painful watching someone self-destructing on your computer screen. From the posts people make on social media, you can feel like you’re reading their mail. They’ve just been through something tough - loss of a job, a relationship - some major wounding. And now come the self-defense posting… “If someone leaves you, they were never…

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