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So people are outraged by the killing of a lion named Cecil in Africa. A beautiful creation of God has been killed, with no respect for the inherent worth of that creature. The death came about not to preserve another life, but by callously imposing one “will” over the other’s right to merely exist. OK, I get…

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My Favorite Super Hero

I loved the show "24,'' and Jack Bauer was the quintessential American hero. A loner often misunderstood, he avoids relationships because loved ones have a way of getting hurt around him. He wins using his well-honed skills, and then walks back into the darkness until the world needs him again. As a manly fantasy,…

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I sat at the bedside of a dying woman this week. She was confined to bed, and had oxygen running through a line to her nose. After a few pleasantries, I asked her what she wanted to talk about. Since she new she was dying, I wondered what might be utmost in her mind. Mostly, she wanted…

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A Covering of Snow

The gales of wind howled through the trees outside the old cabin. Smoke rose from the chimney as the old man ate his humble soup safely inside. His weathered hands were still steady, having stacked the wood by the cabin walls that would surely last the winter’s full duration. It’s a good thing he had.…

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One of the funniest critiques I hear lobbed against Christians is that we "believe in fairy tales". "You Christians think your daddy in the sky created humans - how quaint and childish!" "Ok then," I respond, "where do you think we came from?" "Well, of course space aliens from another planet colonized earth. What other logical…

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When God Wants You Unhappy

I recently got a Facebook message from a well-meaning Christian friend: "God has seen everything you've been going through, and He told me to tell you 'IT'S OVER'! Your trial has ended, and now God's about to open up the windows of heaven to bless you beyond your wildest dreams!!!!!" (Full disclosure: I may have…

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Say “Yes”

My 26th wedding anniversary is today (Nov 19, 2014), and I can still remember how awkwardly the proposal played out. I was a youth pastor with a group of 80 teenagers on a mission trip to New Orleans. My intended fiancé grew up in the suburbs there, so I thought it would be perfect to propose…

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