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Devil’s in the Details

When I served as a jail chaplain years ago, I often received requests for specific books from inmates. Mostly they were books on overcoming discouragement or self-improvement books you’d imagine an inmate would need in their position. That’s why a request for scholarly level theological books caught my attention. I was even more…

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My Sacrifice Fly

My congregation loves to make fun of how little I know about sports. “Hey Pastor, it’s baseball season now! How many touchdowns do you think your team will make next game?” Snickering ensues, and I usually play along. “Baseball, huh?” I ask. “Is that the big orangy ball or the brown…

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Giving Up on Being Good

Ever try to blow up a raft? Unless you’ve got one of those electric “blow dryer thingies”, you are in for a world of hurt. I remember sitting in the sand, ready to pass out while my preschool daughter jumped up and down, yelling “Daddy, hurry up!” Not what I consider family fun. But then again,…

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How I Know He Lives

Growing up in a southern Baptist church, every Easter there were two hymns you had to sing…or you probably weren’t really Baptist. One was “Low in the Grave He Lay”. Most people don’t remember it by that title, but by the bouncy chorus that interrupts the sad, mournful verse. After lamenting the crucified Jesus,…

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