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Talent’s Not Enough

   I invited a non-Christian friend of mine, who had rarely if ever been to a church, to my Sunday service once. After the service, I asked him how he liked it. I’ll never forget his response.    “Here’s my ‘review’ of this morning: I liked the sermon ok, but I really enjoyed the ‘warm-up act’ before…

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     There was a great deal of talk over the past 30+ years about churches becoming more “seeker-sensitive”.  That meant we needed to remove impediments to worship that were keeping non-Christians (or “seekers”) away. It often involved removing things off-putting to seekers from worship that were deemed nonessentials. So churches removed offering plates and used offering boxes…

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Practically Worship

“Worship is the missing jewel of the church.” A.W. Tozer     Tozer was right:  worship often is an element in church that is misplaced, overlooked, but immeasurably valuable.  We have focused on just about everything else, except worship.  We have strategies galore for church growth, witnessing, and building campaigns; so much so that it’s…

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Being There

This is one of my favorite photos, when Gracie ran up to hug me at the end of my POLLYANNA musical performance. It was a show I had worked on off-and-on for almost 10 years. And she and her older sister were a major part of the inspiration for writing the show to begin with.…

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Musical Theatre

Dave's latest full-scale show, POLLYANNA - A NEW MUSICAL, received a "staged reading" on June 23, 2023 at the Naples Performing Arts Center MainStage. Below are some songs from the show... Videos from Dave's other shows, "A MIRACLE IN CENTRAL PARK", "PASSION", "ANGELS WATCHING OVER YOU", "A SMOKY MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS CAROL", and "YULETIDE EVERLASTING", coming…

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Girl Power

More than anything, these two little girls have brought more joy into my life the past 9 years than I'd experienced in all the years before. We adopted Ellie and then Gracie at a point when we thought we had finished raising kids. The last thing on my mind was starting over again. When the…

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