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A Punxsutawney Epiphany

Too often, my life has been like a broken washing machine. I keep “repeating the cycle”. Hindsight is 20/20, they say. Sometimes I wish it were a little more hazy.…

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Approaching Oz

The lady was in her 90s, seated by a window with a spectacular view of the golf course landscaping outside. She had been an artist, and her oil paintings decorated…

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Tending Our Roses

Hello, dear reader. Your arrival here is actually very timely. I’ve got some thoughts I’d love to share with you right now… But I can’t. Really, I can’t. I can’t…

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Creative Differences

You remember the dumbest things from childhood. Mine was a PE coach. Not that she was dumb, but that she did something completely innocuous that emotionally destroyed me one day.…

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Pastor Depreciation

October is officially Pastor Appreciation month at most churches. But I don’t think it’s coincidence it falls in the same month as Halloween... ...because being a pastor is scary business.…

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A Slow Pony Ride

If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted,…

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In live theatre, there’s a Zen-like calm you experience backstage much like the calm before a storm. Just a few feet away people are busy acting under bright spotlights. But…

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People > Politics

A man asked to meet me at Starbucks after church one day. He was probably in his late 60s or early 70s, and he immediately impressed me by riding his…

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Detours and Delays

So with the exit of 2020, we launched out to start a new church. The first two weeks were tremendous, with new people showing up out of nowhere. We had…

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Hands in the Air

There are two kinds of people you can choose to be: the one on the rollercoaster holding on white-knuckled to the restraint bar, or the one screaming with his hands…

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