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There’s a certain sacredness when the house is dark and everyone else is asleep. I stay up past everyone in my home most nights. I rarely go to bed early. I’ve chalked this up to creative temperament for years, but now I think it's something more. My feelings and spirit are reaching out past me…

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Dream House

Our dream house was a 120-year old 3-story Victorian home. It was just a few blocks away from one of the loveliest parks in the city and the same distance from the church I pastored. I could literally walk to work, and did so on many mornings. How convenient! Unlike the other brick houses that…

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Why I Unfollowed you

I thought it only fair that I let you know why I won’t be responding to your posts right now. It’s not because I don’t have anything to say; it’s because I won’t be seeing your posts anymore. I won’t see them because I’ve unfollowed you on social media. And I want you to know…

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The Sound of Music

In 2013, Sunday Assembly was begun in London, England. Founded by Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, it’s a non-religious gathering for people who want the same communal experience believers get in religious services. In other words, it’s a church for Atheists. The biggest question I have with this admittedly-novel idea is this: what would you…

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The Deadliest Virus

I think my least favorite phrase for 2020 was “an abundance of caution”. I turned on the news every morning to make sure the zombie apocalypse hadn’t started yet. The things I’ve been most thankful have been: my Jesus, my health, and my Disney+ account.  No church, no theater, no sports…who knew waiting for the…

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Last Dance

Her funeral was on a sunny Spring day several years ago. My mom’s sister Jewell had struggled with cancer and finally succumbed. She was in her 80s, so no one could say it came as a surprise. But what did startle us was just how spry she’d become post mortem. Before I go any further,…

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Your Expiration Date

We got back in town last week from my father-in-law’s funeral. It was an emotional journey for us all. “Papa” was quite an accomplished pastor and missionary, and served as patriarch of the family. We knew he was seriously ill, but expected him to overcome the cancer like he’d done 15 years before. But then…

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