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So how do you kill 6 million innocent people and still sleep at night? Easy. You do it the same way “civilized people” rationalized the enslavement of millions of Africans just a couple of centuries ago. You arbitrarily decide the people you want to destroy are somehow  not.  quite.  human. That’s right. The same logical…

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His Cross Remains

As we all watched the news of Notre Dame Cathedral burning on April 15, 2019, many saw it as a symbol of the demise of Christianity in our modern culture.  A new roster of moral values have crowded Christian virtues to the periphery. Worshipping creation has replaced worshipping the Creator. People have elevated the worth…

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We Are Legion

In the wake of any horrific event like the recent school shooting in Uvalde, TX, we suddenly hear lots of talk about "evil". It's interesting since so many seem to attribute violent actions to either mental illness, a response to a terrible home life, or other adverse experiences. But when someone does something so extreme,…

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I’m sitting in a sanctuary of around 1500 people this Sunday morning. But I feel completely alone. We had just been through a whirlwind of death and then disappointment the previous year. Now we were in-between where we had been and where we were going. And we had no idea where that was. This…

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Do Pet Rocks Go To Heaven?

When all others abandoned you, there was one friend who stayed by your side: your pet rock. He never left your side, even when you were at your worst. Well, to be honest he couldn’t leave because...well, he’s an inanimate object. But during your many struggles, he’s been your rock of Gibraltar (in miniature), solid…

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Scary Church Members

When I first started pastoring, I wanted everyone to come to my church. Now I know better. I've discovered after years of ministry, I really don’t want everyone to stay. I know how that sounds - a pastor should love everyone, right? But just because I love someone doesn’t mean God sent them to…

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When God Wants You Unhappy

I recently got a Facebook message from a well-meaning Christian friend: "God has seen everything you've been going through, and He told me to tell you 'IT'S OVER'! Your trial has ended, and now God's about to open up the windows of heaven to bless you beyond your wildest dreams!!!!!" (Full disclosure: I may have…

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