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Dear friends,

Back in 2012, I stepped out of Worship Ministry to embark on an adventure taking me into uncharted territory personally and professionally. In the years that followed, I started two churches and pastored another. I acted in multiple stage productions, some amateur and a few professional. To my surprise, I was often playing the lead in those shows.

In the rough patches when I was struggling to plant churches, I did whatever I could to earn a living. I played in orchestras and served as a chaplain for prisoners and for the dying in hospice care. In my spare time, I wrote articles on religion published in the local paper and completed several books.

No matter the need, God always provided.

Along the way, we decided to ignore “common sense” and adopted two amazing, marvelous little girls. They have done nothing short but fill our lives with constant joy and wonder. Oh, and it looks like we’re adopting once again. He’s a seven year-old, named David. Lord knows the world didn’t need another “David Gipson”!

Now I’ve completed a new stage musical, and am overwhelmed watching my talented friends breathe life into it with their own talents. I’m also currently in talks with a company that would take my writing to a national level..

Honestly, it’s been quite an amazing ride and I don’t regret one bit of it.If it sounds like I’m bragging, you’re missing the point. I’m simply amazed at what God has done! I’m such a better man than I was when I started, and I’ve stretched myself and developed gifts I never knew I had. I had such a boring life planned out, and I praise God He interrupted it and dragged me kicking and screaming onto this roller coaster!

Now it appears the winds have changed and it’s time for a new challenge. I have just accepted the position of Pastor of Worship for the First Baptist Church of Greeneville, TN. I’ll have the joy of leading worship, creating seasonal productions, and leading a choir once again. Greeneville is a charming old city in East Tennessee, hugged on its Eastern and Southern sides by a glorious mountain range with the Appalachian Trail running across the top. It’s so beautiful, I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.

Making things even sweeter is the fact my adult daughters Emily and Sarah live just over an hour away with their husbands, along with our three grandchildren, my mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law and three cousins. It appears we’re about to have a very long family reunion.

We’ll be in Naples until the end of May and then begin resettling in Greeneville. I’ll pop back down to SW Florida for the premier of my new musical POLLYANNA later on June 23. Please pray that our home here sells quickly. Pray that we will find our way in a new town and church. 

Most of all, know that we love you and cherish your friendship throughout the years, no matter where we met you along the way. We are thankful for the sweetness of our current church North Naples Baptist and the kindness of Pastor Chris. They have all been so good to us!

God knew He’d have to stack the deck to get us to leave such a happy place. I guess He also knew grand babies would do the trick!

It hasn’t always been an easy path, but God’s routes rarely are smooth. So we’re buckled up and ready for the next roller coaster ride, determined not to hold the railing but to keep our hands in the air. What a wild, fun ride it’s gonna be! 

See you at the end of the ride, on the other side.

Much love,

1 Comment

  • Ruthann Co (althouse)
    Posted April 23, 2023 at 9:54 pm

    so happy you will be leading worship and a choir. That is definitely your sweet spot! 😋 And being close to your family is a plus plus. The Greenville Baptist are very lucky to have you!

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