Today's a Monday, and especially rough since we had a Super Bowl party at our house last night. I’ve woken up with a terrific headache.
…and NO, it’s not a hangover! It was a church party. People don’t wake up hungover and naked after those…usually ;0)
Bleary-eyed, I start checking through notifications on…
Feeling a little meaningless right now and want to get in touch with your “spiritual side”? Tried Buddhism, meditation, and everything short of hiking to Tibet? Well, the best answer may be a lot closer than you ever dreamed, within quite familiar wrapping paper…
It's Christianity. And it works better than any of the…
Nowadays, I hear a lot of people saying dumb things about the Bible. That may sound harsh, but "dumb" is really the only word that does their statements justice.
Why would people attack a 2000+ year old book they say they don't believe in anyway? Because that book contains rules and guidelines that rub…