If Christianity is so wonderful, why are some Christians such jerks?
Good question.
I know people who’ve been put off from Christianity mainly because of some “Christians” they’ve met.
They see people say really dumb things and attribute it to their Christian faith.
They watch believers being hateful toward someone who believes differently from them.…
There’s a certain odd hush that comes upon a town at Christmas Eve.
It’s not that people aren’t still working. Those days when everyone got off work for Christmas are long gone. But a calm still manages to descend as families gather, and the majority of stores shut off their lights and workers head home.…
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this article years ago as God was preparing me to take a huge leap of faith. Within a few months after writing it, I quit my job and branched out in a new adventure. God spoke to me on my mountains walks with Him, and taught me faith lessons along the…
*Author's Note: I am aware that many atheists are kind, loving people who wish no ill will toward Christians. However, there are indeed some very "angry atheists" who've engaged me quite often on social media. In contrast to those respectful non-believers, these people speak down to people of faith with a stubborn condescension.
It is for…
This is a picture of my new baby girl who just turned two-years-old. I remember the exact moment and where I was when she entered my life. Her name is Elizabeth (“Ellie” for short) and she is my second chance at being a dad.
It’s not that I was a bad dad the…
Nowadays, I hear a lot of people saying dumb things about the Bible. That may sound harsh, but "dumb" is really the only word that does their statements justice.
Why would people attack a 2000+ year old book they say they don't believe in anyway? Because that book contains rules and guidelines that rub…
The gales of wind howled through the trees outside the old cabin. Smoke rose from the chimney as the old man ate his humble soup safely inside. His weathered hands were still steady, having stacked the wood by the cabin walls that would surely last the winter’s full duration. It’s a good thing he had.…
As a pastor, I meet a lot of people who tell me they are Christians. However, there's a favor I'd like to ask a few of them...
Would you please stop telling people you're a Christian?
Here's why:
You're too judgmental, you're too negative, you're always focused on how bad things are and never on how good…
There’s a certain odd hush that comes upon a town at Christmas Eve.
It’s not that people aren’t still working — those days when everyone got off work for Christmas are gone. But a calm still descends as families gather, and the majority of stores shut off their lights and workers head home.
We’ve parented 5 kids so far…and counting. So we’re well aware of all the negative influences a child faces in today’s culture. There are temptations and hazards now most of us never dreamed of just 10 years ago. Considering all the technology available to them, the number of ways for kids to damage themselves spiritually…