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So…if a government agency took your child away, what would you do? “Well,” you say, “that would never happen to us.” But what if someone made an allegation of abuse or neglect toward you? Then they could take your kids. “But no one would ever do that to people like us,” you say. And you…

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The Kids on the Second Floor

We’ve all heard the saying “Evil thrives when good people do nothing”. But that’s not quite accurate. Evil’s best friends are those who do just enough to “look good”. And that’s a good description of our current foster care system. For evidence, look to the 2020 report from the Children’s Bureau at the Administration for…

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What if God is protecting you?

We Christians can play strange games with the will of God. Sometimes we rationalize the unfathomable workings of God, and water Him down into simplistic strategies we are capable of understanding. For instance, right now we are fighting to get our 8 year-old foster son back so we can complete our adoption of him. As…

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