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The universe is not coming to help you

I’ve noticed that when people stop believing in God, they don’t stop believing in everything. They usually replace Him with something inferior: a do-it-yourself religion of their own creation.

These are the New Pagans, and what they worship is the earth and nature. But since they grew up used to the Personal God of Christianity, I’ve noticed they tend to project His characteristics onto their new religion.

I watch friends all over social media assuring themselves and others with this homegrown brand of voodoo. And instead of God, they just talk a lot about “the universe” helping them.

For instance, they believe that the “Universe” will send you good things if you do good things. This automatic “Karma” sounds odd to me, because I have yet to understand how an insentient collection of matter and gases (the actual universe) is supposed to know that you did good and then have any ability to reward you.

It sounds more like Santa Claus than the Cosmos. Or maybe an Amazon Prime subscription.

Sorry, but helping you is only something a Personal God with a mind can pull off. In fact, Christianity first proposed something like “karma” in Galatians 6:7 when the Apostle Paul said “you will reap what you sow”. But for that to happen, a Supreme Being who is interested in the daily affairs of people would have to set things in motion. But they didn’t like it when He paid them back for sowing bad things. Instead they want an impersonal “universe” that’s blind to sin but somehow only blesses us when we do good.

I’m so sorry to tell you this, so please brace yourself for some bad news. I’m afraid THE UNIVERSE DOESN’T KNOW YOU, HAS NEVER HEARD OF YOU, & IS NOT COMING TO HELP YOU. Why not? Because it’s just a bunk of rocks and gas. Seriously.

As my atheist friends would say: #science

When it comes to the “universe” helping me, I’m an adamant atheist. And it’s time I put my cards on the table about several other things where I’m a total “nonbeliever”…

I don’t believe in “positive energy”. So sorry, I won’t be sending you any. And I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a “chakra”, unless that’s some sort of Greek pastry.

If you’re sick, I’m not sending you “healing thoughts”. Not because I don’t care, but because my thoughts don’t have the power to heal me, much less you.

In addition, I’m not “visualizing world peace” anytime soon. Since I’m not a Jedi Knight, just visualizing something is not going to make it happen. Use the Force all you want, Luke, but you’re not gonna get that ship to rise out of the swamp with just your brain.

Also, I’m not “looking inside myself to find the answers”. Who is arrogant enough to think they are the “answer” to anything? I’m not even sure of all the questions yet, but I know the answers aren’t in me. I am finite, mostly clueless, and full of contradictions.

Yeah, I know you say you’re “spiritual, not religious”. But what the heck does that mean? If what you believe has no face, no name, and is without definition, you’re pretty much just making it up as you go along, aren’t you?

Improvisation is great with jazz music, but lousy to base your entire eternity on.

You keep telling me to respect “your truth”, but I’ve noticed that “your truth” often sounds very much like whatever is convenient for you at that given moment. Haven’t you noticed how people can rationalize any action, no matter how selfish or evil. Most of us are completely able to ignore the plight of our fellow man, and snack watching Netflix while the world starves.

Oh, and as for “believing in myself” – that’s no help either. No, there’s no “magic in me”, so please stop telling me there is. You only set me up for disappointment.

BUT…I do believe in One who is the source of all energy and healing. He is completely “other” than me, though I believe He now guides me if I’ll listen to Him.

So while I won’t send you those healing thoughts when you’re sick, what I will do is pray for you. That’s because God is the one Healer, and only He can overrule a doctor’s diagnosis.

He’s also the one source of real Truth, regardless of what you or I think is true. All the world’s questions are answered in Him alone.

And while you march and protest for justice, He is justice personified. You’ll never achieve real justice in this imperfect world. But one day He will return to judge of every person and every action, and whether we truly used our time to serve Him and help others…or just help ourselves.

I hope you’ll stop believing in these fancies of your own imagination, and trust in the only One who really can make all dreams come true.

No, the universe is not coming to save you. It can’t. But 2000 years ago, God stepped out of heaven and set foot on earth for that very purpose. For Him, caring for you is very personal. So He will use all His resources to guide you in the right way.

It’s time you stopped trusting in a bunch of rocks, and looked to the Rock of Ages again. For He is the only rock who really knows who you are, and will help you!

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