A personal note from Dave Gipson…

Dear friends,

Life certainly teaches us, if we let it. And for the past year, the lessons have been huge for me personally and my family. I’m learning that seconds need to be spent like hundred dollar bills. They are most wisely used on the ones we love. Little else in this life matters.

So when my brother-in-law Claude Williams passed away nearly one month ago now leaving a widow with three boys, it jarred me in a huge way. I was confronted once more by how ephemeral our time is with the ones we love. And I wondered, “What if it was me who had died, and my family were the ones left behind?”

I wondered if I’d think I had spent enough time with my own wife and two little girls. Being reminded of the expiration date on my life made me reevaluate just how important my career is. Like most men, it has been the thing that’s most competed with my family for my time and attention.

I also wondered who would step up to try and be a father figure for my kids if I was gone. While no one can take another father’s place, surely someone needs to try and fill in as many of the gaps as possible.

All these questions first began swirling in my mind as we waited by the phone late into the wee hours of June 16. That Father’s Day evening we’d received the phone call Claude had been in an accident. As we sat with Twila, after about four hours the final call came to confirm our worst fears. At that moment, I felt I heard God speaking to me in an unexpected way. And I feel that He gave me clear direction for what my next steps should be.

So today I am announcing my resignation as Senior Pastor of Tower Grove Baptist Church. We will be selling our home and moving to Knoxville TN where Claude’s family has already relocated to be near my mother-in-law. My hope is to try and fill in a few of those gaps left in our family by Claude’s sudden passing.

I do not have a church to move to at this time. Dawn and I have prayed and feel God is asking us to step out in faith and trust Him for that provision. I am still called to be a pastor and feel that is God’s plan for my life. But right now the needs of my family are in Knoxville, and so that’s where I need to be as well.

By the way, none of this is the result of anything negative at our current church. When I shared this news with our Deacons last Sunday afternoon, they were all surprised and saddened.

I would ask that you begin to pray for Dawn and me as we take this step. Also, begin to pray for Tower Grove as they seek God for their future leadership. It’s as if we’re all standing in the doorway of some huge surprise party God is throwing for us, and we’re still a bit stunned. Soon the shock will wear off, and we’ll discover this is all part of a wondrous gift from God. Sometimes His gifts come wrapped in heartbreaking circumstances, but He indeed works together in all things for the good of those who love Him.

Pray for me to have faith as we continue to unwrap His gift over the coming months.

God bless,

David Gipson

Article about Claude’s passing in the Baptist Press…

Dave with Eli, one of three nephews at their new home in East TN

About the author


  1. I am sad to see you go I have thoroughly enjoyed your sermons and your personality. But totally understand, I wish you and Dawn a smooth transition. And I know God will find that Special place for you to serve. God Bless you 🙏🏻

  2. I am sorry for your family’s loss and I admire your courage and faith. This is a great testimony to your congregation. Though I am no longer a StL resident nor a member of Tower Grove, it is always going to be ‘my’ church since it was there I made the decision to accept Christ into my heart. Your tenure there has been exciting to watch and read about. Following God’s direction will benefit you and your current church home. I pray that God will bless you and your family and Tower Grove as all step out on faith.
    Thank you for your role in guiding me as well.

  3. Dave, glad to hear that you and your family will be moving back to Knoxville. Twila , the boys and Mrs. Herrod need their family beside them right now. God will have a place for you. Praying for you all.

    Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

  4. Dear Dave,
    God gave us families for a reason. What a blessing to see how serious you take your family. I know Heavenly Father is watching over you and your loved ones. Your move is a beautiful testimony of faith. May He continue to strengthen you and your family through the good times and the tough times. May the blessings of the Lord continue to chase you down and over take you.
    Jeannette McCreight

  5. Keeping you and your family in our prayers. Sounds like a sudden but good move based on some tragic circumstances.

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